Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014 Goals and Plans for the myself and this Blog

This blog was originally made to focus on weight loss and having a healthy lifestyle.  While I have not written much in this blog, I intend to have more entries in this blog and make this blog a helpful for others to also lose weight or maintain the ideal weight.

I have lost a lot of weight but also gained some back.  I would say I had one of the best summer body in let say 10 years. I realized that I am far from my real goals. Today, I will set my goals for the year. This goal setting  also coincides with the starting of classes.  It is like I am going back to "school" to learn more about fitness and to achieve my dream body and physical fitness.

My goal for the next 12 months is to lose 12 kilos.  I need to lose 1 kilo every month.  The goal is really achievable and it is not too drastic for a guy in his 30s. I will lose weight by doing exercise, and have a proper diet.  This blog will basically monitor the steps that I used to achieve my target.

For the next 30 days, my main goal is to ease myself to having an intense workout routine. There will be 3 intense work out days in a week. There is one day for rest (Sunday).  The other 3 days is focused working on minor muscles or in doing group exercises.

One major component for my new routine is weights.  Weight training will be optimised and initially be focused on improving strength. I will lift heavier weights at maximum 5 reps and 5 sets.  Rest in between sets will be around 1 to 2 minutes.  The 3 heavy days will focus either on the legs, chest, shoulders or back.  Focused part will mean I will do 3 exercises on that part and 1 exercise for the other 3 main parts. For example during leg day I will do Squats, Leg Press, and Lounges plus Bench Press, Front Raises, and Bent Over Rows.

I will be posting my work out routine soon after I made my initial measurements and weigh in.  My goal is to get good and consistent results.  I want to prove that it is possible to have a nice body without spending so much time in the gym.  The gym is important but staying there for more than 3 hours is not practical for real people. I want to cut down on my gym time but I want to make sure that I will still get the best results.  I even intend to freeze my account for 2 months just to see instill in my mind that fitness is part of my like whether I go to the gym or not.  It will be challenging but being independent from the gym will simply mean that you have made fitness and health a priority in life.

I hope that I will succeed in my journey and be able to help others achieve their ideal weight.  Good luck to us all! ;)

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