Thursday, July 3, 2014

#30dayfitnesschallenge July 3 Exercise Log

I started doing my Leg Program.  I am planning to do it for 15 days instead of just for a week.  I also realized that I need to set the weights properly for each exercise. I lifted heavy that day and boy, I was sore.

Here is what I did:
Squats + Alternating Deltoid Raise - 5 Reps Each 3 sets
1st Set : 130 kg squats + 20kg Raises
2nd Set: 150 kg squats + 20
3rd set 160 kg + 20 kg

160 kg is like double my ideal body weight but it is just around 1.75 times my current weight.  It is a good start but I felt that my body was really challenged when I added the Alternating Deltoid Raises. I do not usually do a superset with my squats.

2nd Exercise Pairing:
Romanian Deadlifts Bent Over Two-Dumbell Row with Palms In 
70Kg Deadlifts + 25 Kg Rows for 5 reps each x 3 Reps

The pairing made me realize that I was ignoring my hamstrings for quite a while. This realization made me extend my routine for another week.  Everytime I will do Leg day, I will make sure that my hamstrings are activated. 

Post Mortem: The next day, my hamstrings were really sore. The pain made me feel good because I discovered something new. I somehow discovered that I have a big muscle at the back side of my thighs that needs exercise. I am modifying my workout to improve my capability in lifting heavier weights in deadlifts, squats, and rows.  
posted from Bloggeroid


FX777222999 said...

Fitness is the key to healthy body and mind. Really, daily routine makes your body to react differently but with ease. Great physical awareness.

JOJO VITO said...

no pain no gain as they say...congratulations on your attempt :)

Unknown said...

keep it's for a healthy and long life

Raine Pal said...

Oh-oh what a challenge indeed! Whew! I cannot do that, hahahaha, it looks so easy. I know it isn't easy, but you made it.

Keep it up and more challenge to go.

Franc said...

Your doing a great job on your fitness. Keep it up.